Why Temple Sinai

At Temple Sinai, we believe that the synagogue can play many roles in one’s life. Over the course of their years as members of Temple Sinai, our congregants find support, friendship, community, meaning, learning and much more. Together we celebrate the Jewish holidays. Together, we learn about our history and consider our future. Together, we stand for social action and justice. Together, we celebrate our simchas and our sorrows. Together, we are creating a progressive, dynamic and diverse congregation, filled with meaningful experiences and relationships.

We are a Reform congregation where Jewish tradition meets modern life.

With roots in tradition, we seek innovative ways to explore our religious heritage, while celebrating our customs and rituals. We are a dynamic community. Our members are active and involved in a variety of groups and activities. Social action/justice efforts engage our community in projects on hunger & food insecurity, welcoming the stranger, and the climate crisis. Our religious school takes thoughtful approaches to education, reaching beyond traditional learning. Temple Sinai offers opportunities for everyone, from preschoolers to teens to young adults to families to “empty nesters” and seniors. We continue to grow and welcome all who are interested in exploring the many facets of Reform Jewish life.

We are a diverse community, welcoming people of all backgrounds. We accept individuals, couples and families without regard to ethnicity, interfaith status, or sexual orientation.

We are a place for all.