Art & Music

Sing! Dance! Celebrate! Experience how the music of Temple Sinai is the heartbeat of our congregation. 

Music has always been central to Temple Sinai, it’s a part of our culture. We believe music touches the soul and facilitates a deeper connection with prayer even if what we are singing is a niggun, a wordless melody. The connection between Judaism and music is thousands of years old and it is rich with a variety of traditions. We are always looking for melodies, instrumentation, and ways of leading a service that will truly give direction and space to our spirit and breath.

At any given service, we try to keep a balance of old familiar melodies while still introducing new ones. Ideally, new music brought to our services is repeated enough so that the congregation becomes comfortable embracing the new version.

At the end of every month we enjoy a Music Shabbat, dedicated to both new music and our choir. Often, and not only for Music Shabbat, we welcome guest musicians both from our congregation and professionals brought in to enhance the service. 


Our congregational choir is a community in and of itself. They are a group of people who love to sing and who feel strongly connected to each other. If you love singing, but don’t feel quite so confident, Cantor Lipton will help you! Choir meets weekly during most of the year. But don’t fret, if that is a challenge for your schedule, there is a lot of flexibility. We’ll find a way! Cantor Lipton enjoys finding new music for the choir and she welcomes & encourages feedback. She wants people to love what they sing! Periodically the choir will collaborate with other synagogues and sing for community events and holidays. 

In addition to the adult choir we have a children’s choir, B’nai Shir (children of song), this group typically sings for Family Shabbat services and meets briefly after religious school on Sundays to practice. 

Both choirs add a tremendous amount of joy to our worship experience!


Jewish art has a rich history that dates back to the Israelites’ ancient civilization. Its beauty is a reflection of Jewish culture, history, and religious beliefs. As you walk through the halls of our building, you will see works of art created by our very own congregants. Periodically our hallway art display is refreshed, often accompanied by a celebratory program of art, music, food and more! Stop by the religious school wing to see youth art cover the many bulletin boards. Outside of our walls, we also participate in collaborative community works of art exploring various themes at the Mandell Jewish Community Center.