In Jewish tradition, when the year of mourning is over, mourners are expected to return to a fully normal life. There are several occasions each year when our loved ones who have passed on are memorialized. The most significant of these is yahrzeit, the anniversary of the death.
Temple members are invited and encouraged to let us know the name and yahrzeit of your beloved ones who have departed from us. You can also visit your Member Portal and directly enter your loved ones information. For loved ones listed in our database, we will automatically honor their memory by reading their name during our Friday evening services, Shabbat morning services (when held) and holiday services including Yizkor. Members may determine to observe the yahrzeit by the Hebrew calendar or the English calendar. If you prefer to have your loved one’s name read at an alternate Shabbat service, contact the Temple office.
In addition to Jewish tradition where we remember our beloved by the recitation of Mourner’s Kaddish during Shabbat service, we invite you to consider the following Jewish customs and traditions in commemoration of your loved one’s yahrzeit.
Lighting A Memorial Candle – The yahrzeit candle is traditionally lit at sundown the night before the anniversary of your loved one’s death. You may wish to accompany the lighting with a prayer, a reading, or words from the heart. Contact the office if you would like the honor of lighting the candles for a Shabbat service or if you would like to pick up a candle at no cost.
Giving Tzedakah – It is a mitzvah to perform an act of Tzedakah during this time of remembrance. A memorial contribution can be made online, through your membership portal, by sending a check, or contacting the office. Your contribution is deeply appreciated and will help Temple Sinai continue its important religious, educational and cultural work.
Sponsor an Oneg – You can acknowledge your loved one’s yahrzeit by sponsoring a Oneg. Contact the office for suggested donation amount and details.
Memorial Plaque – You may choose to inscribe your loved one’s name on a beautiful memorial plaque. It will forever be displayed in our sanctuary and will be illuminated for you on the anniversary of your loved one’s yahrzeit. Please contact the office for more information on this option.